Product SKU: T1975
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When it comes to spiritual practices, recognizing what lines up with our Catholic Faith and what is harmful can be very difficult. We????????ve heard the questions before. Maybe we????????ve even asked them ourselves:
- Can I practice yoga if I????????m just doing it for exercise?
- Someone told me about Reiki healing. Is this practice okay?
- Astrology seems to be accurate. Can I try it?
- The Enneagram is just another personality test, right?
- People in my parish use centering prayer ??????? is this okay for Catholics?
- What about mindfulness, acupuncture, Zen meditation, horoscopes ????? ?
If you have wondered about these or other spiritual practices, or if someone you know has been lured into any of them, you????????re not alone. It is essential that Catholics arm themselves with knowledge of these practices, so they can easily recognize false spiritualities that do not line up with Jesus Christ.
Counterfeit Spirituality: Exposing the False Gods?????¡equips Catholics to spot false teachings and practices that have infiltrated our society and captivated members of our Church. Now more than ever, we need to recognize the differences between true and false spiritualities so that we and those we love can grow closer to God and the truth of his Church.
Counterfeit Spirituality?????¡also includes resources and recommended reading for those who want to go deeper into this important topic.
"Bryan Mercier has done the Church and the world a great service.?????¡Counterfeit Spirituality: Exposing the False Gods?????¡is quite simply the best, most thorough, and well-balanced critique of the New Age Movement and other related harmful spiritual practices to date. Catholics, Protestants, as well as those deceived by New Age ideas will greatly benefit from reading this excellent work." -Tim Staples, director of apologetics and evangelization at Catholic Answers