The Imitation of Christ for Children: A Guide to Following Jesus

The Imitation of Christ for Children: A Guide to Following Jesus

Product SKU: 809167336

Regular price $9.95 Sale

Best selling writer Elizabeth Ficocelli, with her special gift of making religion fun and understandable to children, now brings this ageless classic The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas Kempis, to a whole new audience children. Writing in a kid-friendly and kid-relevant style, the author instills in children the same principal messages of the adult version. It teaches young people how and why to make Jesus our leader, provides practical ways to help the child become a better follower, and deepens the child's appreciation for the most intimate way we come in union with Jesus the Holy Eucharist. This is the first book to capture the primary teachings of this timeless spiritual classic and present them in a manner that children can understand, appreciate, and apply. Aimed at children 8-12 who have made their First Holy Communion and who are preparing for Confirmation, it will be a wonderful spiritual addition to religion classes whether in parochial school or in church religious education classes.