Holy Spirit Pillowcase: Gifts

Holy Spirit Pillowcase: Gifts

Product SKU: 139-50

Regular price $15.95 Sale

  • Feast Day: Pentecost (the celebration of God pouring out His Holy Spirit upon Mary, the Apostles, and other believers gathered) is a movable feast celebrated 50 days after Easter.

The glowing illustration on the Gifts of the Spirit Prayer Pillowcase is a welcome reminder of the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit and the seven sanctifying gifts Catholics receive with the Sacrament of Confirmation. The very same gifts granted to the Blessed Virgin and the Apostles on Pentecost!

Confirmation is a personal Pentecost - a time when the Holy Spirit descends upon young Catholics to give them the gifts they need to proclaim the Faith and journey through the world as Catholic adults. It's easy to think of Confirmation as the completion of one's spiritual "Boot Camp." But really it's just the beginning. To be true defenders of the Faith the newly confirmed (like the rest of the faithful) need to keep growing, practicing and living what they've learned!
Having a Gifts of the Spirit Prayer Pillowcase nearby can sure help. This faithful companion makes it easy to recall the graces and gifts received from the Holy Spirit, reminds us to actually use them and to pray for guidance on how to use them best!

Although most of us can name the Gifts of the Spirit, many of us forget what they mean and how they help us every day. Here's a quick reminder:

  • The gift of wisdom, by detaching us from the world, makes us relish and love only the things of heaven.
  • The gift of understanding helps us to grasp the truths of religion as far as is necessary.
  • The gift of counsel enables us to see and choose correctly what will help most to the glory of God and our own salvation.
  • By the gift of fortitude we receive courage to overcome the obstacles and difficulties that arise in the practice and living of our Faith.
  • The gift of knowledge points out to us the path to follow and the dangers to avoid in order to reach heaven.
  • The gift of piety, by inspiring us with a tender and filial confidence in God, make us joyfully embrace all that pertains to His service.
  • Lastly, the gift of fear fills us with a sovereign respect for God, and makes us dread, above all things, to offend Him.

All pillowcases, regardless of fabric content, are sized to fit Standard & Queen size pillows and measure 20" x 31".

  • Poly/Cotton pillowcases (we established our company using these) have a 2" hem and virtually zero shrinkage.

We are happy to say that we print only on pillowcases that are made in the USA, and we use inks that are certified safe for you, your family and the environment (Oeko-Tex Standard 100).
Please Note:
All of the Prayer Pillowcase photographs you see on this website were taken of our original Poly/Cotton pillow cases with 2" hems.