Forgiving as Unity with Christ: A Journey for Healing Resentment and Relationships

Forgiving as Unity with Christ: A Journey for Healing Resentment and Relationships

Product SKU: Q84273

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by Robert Enright

Dr. Robert D. Enright, founder of the International Forgiveness Institute, invites you to travel with him down the road from alienation to forgiveness to possible reconciliation. His cathartic exercises will enliven your relationship with Jesus and provide a healing balm that will deepen your empathy and dispose you to forgiving others.

Similar to The Imitation of Christ, this work is divided into three books comprising short chapters with brief points to consider. The first book lays out forgiveness in general and includes biblical stories of forgiveness; the second approaches forgiveness from the Catholic perspective, including loving others through our intimate connection with Christ and seeking forgiveness ourselves; the third discusses skeptical views of forgiveness as well as self-forgiveness, forgiveness within communities, and what legacy you will leave behind.

These powerful exercises will help you understand what forgiveness actually is and why it is beneficial, including scientific studies of those who were suffering physically, psychologically, or emotionally and experienced healing.

You will learn answers to soul-searching questions and discover:  

  • How to embrace your littleness with the humility of a beloved child of God
  • The Process Model of Forgiveness to aid you in becoming “forgivingly fit”
  • Seven forgiveness lessons in the Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers
  • The three Rs that help complete the triangle of forgiveness and rebuild trust
  • Seven aspects of “forgiveness as redemptive suffering”
  • The importance of forgiveness in God’s design for our peace and joy

As you contemplate God’s love for you in these extraordinary pages, you will grow deeper in your faith through journaling prompts and transformative meditations, including penetrating questions to guide you on your path to freedom. The book has been given an imprimatur by Bishop Donald Hying of the Catholic Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin.






Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .625 in
Weight 12 oz
SKU Q84273