Remain in Me and I in You: Relating to God as a Person, Not an Idea

Remain in Me and I in You: Relating to God as a Person, Not an Idea

Product SKU: 4888

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by Fr. Wayne Sattler

“They should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ” (John 17:3). 

Sometimes we become so consumed with “activism” that God becomes a mere concept, an uplifting idea we try to wrap our minds around, and we forget that He is really present and in love with us. Far too many souls, even good religious souls, tend to forget that God is a Person — a Trinity of Persons, in fact — longing to enter into a relationship with us.

Fr. Wayne Sattler awakens us and places us in that fruitful mindset. He relates how Mother Teresa of Calcutta would ask her sisters, “Do you really know the living Jesus — not through books, but by being with Him in your heart?” Fr. Sattler’s stories will stir you to want to authentically know, love, and serve the Lord in your daily life and respond meaningfully to God’s invitation to “remain in me and I in you” (John 15:4).

Drawing from Scripture, from saints such as Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, and from contemporary examples, Father guides you into a more vibrant prayer life and a deeper, more personal relationship with God by relating:

  • Why it is important to offer vocal prayers with fervor and devotion
  • How to “waste time” with God, as inspired by St. Teresa of Avila
  • Ways to grow in purity of heart so that you come to see God’s face
  • How to instill the desire to be where God is in your soul
  • The ways to attain peace in the place God wants you to be 

With this book, may you be renewed in the joyful truth that God is love, a Trinity of Persons seeking a relationship with you that is so intimate that it is best described as union. This powerful book will open your heart to God, help you overcome your fears, and enable you to experience authentic love, beauty, and freedom. 






Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .625 in
Weight 7 oz
SKU 4888