The Eucharistic Visions of St. Frances of Rome

The Eucharistic Visions of St. Frances of Rome

Product SKU: 3904

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by Fr. Robert Nixon, St. Frances of Rome

St. Frances of Rome (1384–1440) displayed mystical gifts from childhood. Though she longed to remain a virgin, her parents arranged a marriage for her, and, as a wife and mother, she led a devout life that mirrored that of a consecrated religious, through fervent prayer and tireless works of charity. In fact, she founded a community of Benedictine oblates who live according to the Rule of St. Benedict, each according to her own state in life; the community now counts thousands of members worldwide.

Frequently, St. Frances experienced ecstasies and visions, especially after receiving Holy Communion. In these absorbing pages, translated by Fr. Robert Nixon, O.S.B., her spiritual director records her life, mystical graces, and miracles as well as her severe demonic attacks and her unwavering trust in God throughout.

These pages are ideal for reflection before or after Mass or during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In the visions of St. Frances, you will encounter the Fountain of light eternal and His embrace as the fire of divine love inflames your heart with more ardent devotion. You will also encounter:

  • Brilliant sights, harmonious sounds, and sweet scents of Heaven to fortify your faith
  • Five streams of virtue flowing from the Lamb of God to quench your soul’s thirst
  • The sure remedy for all distractions and anxieties that impede your love for God
  • Sacred Scripture in a fresh, vibrant way to be nourished and renewed
  • Lessons from the saints who visited St. Frances on her journey toward Heaven
  • Guidance from our Eucharistic King on how to cast aside your worldly cares and ambitions

As you perceive ways to make the sentiments of this great mystic your own and be enriched by her insights, you will draw increased strength from the Holy Eucharist and adore God’s Presence with awe and love as never before.






Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .375 in
Weight 7 oz
SKU 3904