LOVE IS OUR MISSION - 9781632530547
Product SKU: 9781632530547
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Foreword by Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, president, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Relive Pope Francis????????s first visit to the United States in September 2015! This rich collection drawn from Catholic News Service photographers and journalists is a keepsake for anyone interested in the papal visit. Events include the first-ever address by a pope to a joint meeting of both houses of Congress, the pope's meeting at the White House with President Barack Obama, and an address to the United Nations by the first pope from the Americas. The canonization of California????????s Blessed Junipero Serra marks the first time an American saint is canonized on American soil. Other events include Mass at Madison Square Gardens in New York City, Philadelphia????????s World Meeting of Families, and more. This official commemorative edition is a joint publication of Franciscan Media and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.