Treasuring the Goods of Marriage in a Throwaway Society
Product SKU: 8540
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This powerhouse of a book masterfully vindicates the Church????????s rich teachings on matrimony, the priesthood, and religious life. Drawing on sources ancient and modern, pagan and Christian, Eastern Christian and Western, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski will teach you:
The four kinds of marriage (can you guess them?) and four reasons why marriage is noble
What the pulsating heart of marriage and family is and what marriage cannot exist without
The lessons we can learn from the marriage of Mary and Joseph
The two greatest mercies of God (they will surprise you!)
Three ways to explain the meaning of sexuality to your children
Sixteen arguments and replies regarding priestly celibacy
Dr. Kwasniewski demonstrates that both the dignity of marriage and family and the evils arrayed against them???????pornography, self-gratification, premarital sex, divorce, contraception, and abortion???????can and should be seen not only in terms of what they are but also in terms of what they signify spiritually and cosmically.
In the midst of a growing totalitarianism hell-bent on diluting, relativizing, ostracizing, and ultimately obliterating chaste and fruitful love, Dr. Kwasniewki extols the sacramental dignity of the human body, shines the light of faith and reason on fundamental truths about vocation and the gift of self, and renews confidence in the wisdom of Holy Mother Church.