The Compass Bible for Catholic Teens (NABRE)
Product SKU: 84
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The Compass Bible for Catholic Teens contains the most current Catholic translation - the New American Bible Revised Edition released in 2011. The NABRE text features improved scholarship and a significant enhancement of the footnotes compared to the original NAB translation. The supplemental material includes six 8-page full color inserts entitled:
Your Journey of Life – A presentation encouraging the teen reader to think of his/her life as a journey that God has given them the opportunity to take.
You – A presentation answering the question, “Who am I in the eyes of God, of the Church and of society?” Articles focus on self-image and personal goals.
Your Family - A presentation of the “families” teens are part of with a focus on the role of parents and their relationship to other members in the family of the Body of Christ - the Church.
Your Friends – A presentation of the importance of choosing friends and the very nature of relationships. Articles address peer pressure, guilt and blame, and how the Sacraments of Confirmation and Reconciliation sustain and support teens.
Your Neighbors – A presentation of “love of neighbor” and how we can truly care for each other. Teens are encouraged to reflect on the selection of a vocation and the significance/dangers of technology and social media in society today.
Your Spiritual Backpack – A resource of the most common Catholic practices, prayers and devotions.
All this plus a 96-page Topical Index for Catholic Teens makes this an affordable resource for youth ministry.