2025 Agnus Dei Planner
Product SKU: 3284
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The Agnus Dei Calendar & 12-Month Planner is perfect for the 2025 calendar year. This full size, spiral-bound design allows plenty of space for daily appointments in a lay-flat format. It has quickly become a favorite for either home or office use among professionals, students, and busy homeschooling families.
- Weekly Planner in full color
- Novenas for each month at the beginning of the planner with notes in the weekly planner section indicating each day of the novena
- Pages for personal goals for the year
- Space to customize your reading list for the year
- A featured saint for each week with a story and illustration
- Eye-catching design, simple but elegant
- Spiral-bound, concealed spiral
- Dates from the New and Traditional Liturgical Calendar
- A list of saints’ days and non-movable feasts in the calendar
- Holy days and holidays for the year 2025
- A comprehensive list of patron saints
- List of the 37 Doctors of the Church, the 14 Holy Helpers, Saturdays of Our Lady
- Explanation of fasting and abstinence
- Catholic Identification cards and pocket calendars
This calendar is an essential tool for the Catholic family, teacher, or religious trying to schedule their lives according to the liturgical and/or school calendar.