Living the Scriptures
Product SKU: Q82385
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Replete with Mother Angelica????????s charismatic blend of insight, clarity, and humor, here is the definitive collection of her best on-air presentations and extemporaneous meditations. Their unifying theme: Scripture as it was intended for us ??????? as a divine guide to everyday spiritual life, not as a complicated puzzle for pensive biblical scholars. ?????¡
????When you read Scripture, Jesus is speaking to you,?????¬ she notes. ????And every?????¡event in His life, every parable, everything He said, everything He did,?????¡everything that was done to Him by others, is all a part of our daily lives.?????¬
Mother????????s unique gift was highlighting lines of the Bible that, although challenging at first glance, are meant to yield breakthroughs in your own spiritual life. You????????ll learn:
- The striking meaning of the Samaritan woman????????s remarks to Christ at the well
- How Christ intended His words to Mary Magdalene to be completely transformative for us
- How the Gospels correct our misunderstandings about repentance
- Why St. Paul said, ????You must stay awake, praying for all the saints?????¬
- Why Jesus was confronted with seemingly hopeless situations such as wine running out at a wedding
- What the words that Jesus spoke to Nathanael ??????? ????I saw you under the fig tree?????¬ ??????? mean for you, right now
- How the leper Christ cured teaches us not to ????make demands of God?????¬
- How the passage ????You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know; for salvation comes from the Jews?????¬ applies to you and your loved ones
- Why the words, ????I sent you to reap a harvest you had not worked for?????¬ should move us profoundly
- ????This was the second sign given by Jesus, on his return from Judea to Galilee?????¬ ??????? Mother explains precisely how this, and all Christ????????s signs, are intended for us
- The full depth of meaning, as implied in the Gospels, of ????the hidden sufferings of Jesus?????¬
- Pages:?????¡160
- Format(s):?????¡Paperback