Year of Grace 2024 (paper notebook)
Product SKU: YG24SP
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This 2024 calendar presents the storytelling art of Sally Wern Comport. Her illustrations of five conversion stories - five transformative encounters with Jesus - call us to reflect more deeply on our own ongoing conversion to Christ. How are we experiencing Christ's call in this moment of life? The pictures also invite us to learn more about the way the Church welcomes and forms new Catholic Christians through the newly revised Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
The illustrations of these conversion stories may remind us of various moments in our lives in Christ. At the center of the calendar, Zacchaeus is looking down at Jesus from high up in the tree, where he has climbed to get a better look at Jesus. This is the moment Zacchaeus hears Jesus calling him, and when his life is beginning to change forever (Luke 19:1 - 10). In the four corners, we see other people who are being transformed: the woman at the well by conversation (John 4), the man born blind through a healing (John 9:1 - 12), Mary, Martha, and the crowd, who witness the raising of Lazarus (John 11:1 - 45), and the first disciples as they are called by Jesus (Matthew 4:18 - 22). Each one hears a call or is attracted or compelled in some way.
The Year of Grace 2024 liturgical year follows the Sundays of Year B cycle and the weekdays of Year II, beginning December 3, 2023 (the First Sunday of Advent) and ending Saturday, November 30, 2024 (the last day of the liturgical year).
LTP's circular display of the liturgical year makes its key features easily understandable. We can see at a glance the liturgical seasons in their characteristic colors, Sundays on the outer rim, and the days and weeks radiating from the center.
11 x 17
Language: English
Copyright Year: 2023